Federal Crime

What is a Federal Crime?

Federal crimes are defined as offenses that violate the laws of the United States. As opposed to state or local offenses (defined by state and local law), federal crimes have a broader scope that transcends local communities and affects the national interest. Federal prosecutors, also known as United States Attorneys, manage federal crimes and the penalties that surpass the severity of state sentences. Criminal Defense Attorney Sierra Hatley has experience understanding both the prosecution and the defense in all types of crimes. The majority of federal offenses relate to any of the three following categories:

·       Drugs (possession with intent to distribute, manufacturing)

·       Economic offenses (white collar crimes, fraud, tax evasion)

·       Immigration offenses


Being investigated for a federal crime can have devastating effects that lead you to face harsh sentences in prison.

Sierra Hatley will aggressively fight to protect your rights from federal repercussions using her years of experience and unmatched knowledge in the field.

What is the penalty for a federal crime?

Because federal crimes violate federal law, penalties are more stiff and severe, with little or no opportunity for parole. The penalty for a federal crime will vary depending on the type of criminal offense, the amount related to the offense, the number of individuals involved, and/or damage caused. These factors, among several others, are set forth in the United States Sentencing Guidelines which are followed by United States Attorneys, federal probation officials, and, most importantly, federal judges. In many federal offenses, in addition to pushing for the harshest sentence under the federal sentencing guidelines, federal prosecutors may try to enforce a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison, 15 years in prison and all the way up to life in prison or even the death penalty. An experienced, Federal Criminal Defense Attorney like Sierra Hatley can work to eliminate or reduce the penalties for an individual facing criminal charges in federal court.

If you or a loved one is being investigated for a federal crime, it is imperative that you seek legal representation. This information is for general information purposes only and the content herein presented will in no case replace an attorney’s legal advice.


Why should I contact Sierra Hatley if I suspect I’m being investigated for a criminal offense?

Federal offenses vary greatly in scope. Unlike many common crimes, there are several federal offenses that most do not even know exist. Likewise, many individuals and companies under investigation for federal crimes never know they are even under investigation. Once you are notified that you are a target of an investigation — or even suspect that you are a target of an investigation — it is extremely important that you are represented by Sierra Hatley, as the federal government zealously investigates individuals suspected of criminal offenses and gathers as much evidence as possible to use against the suspect, many times before charges are filed or the individual is notified that they are a target of an investigation. What you may think is an innocent and normal transaction might be evidence or tests that the government will use against you.

It is imperative to contact a Federal Crime Attorney like Sierra Hatley, because as government agents try to obtain as much evidence as possible to use for their case, they might also be violating your Constitutional rights by gathering evidence through unreasonable searches and seizures. You need Sierra Hatley, an attorney who can make the law work in your favor by investigating where law enforcement has violated your rights. Sierra Hatley is ready to step in and represent you while keeping your rights and options as a priority.


What is Conspiracy?

A conspiracy occurs when two or more people enter an agreement to commit a crime, or accomplish any illegal action against governmental and civil institutions, entities, or individuals. Because there is no limit on the number of individuals participating in a conspiracy, parties may join after the plot has been established, and will be treated as co-conspirators before the law. Important characteristics of a conspiracy are as follows:

·       Repentance by one or more parties that does not affect the liability of the conspirators, although it may reduce their sentence.

·       Even if the purpose of a conspiracy is to accomplish a humanitarian end through illegal actions, it is still punishable by the law.

·       A conspiracy does not have to be planned in secret to be a punishable crime.

·       The conspirators may be guilty even if they are not aware of the identities of other parties involved in the conspiracy.

·       The criminal offense does not have to be fully executed for a person to be charged with conspiracy.

If you or someone you know is facing these charges for this serious Federal offense, contact Hatley Law today. Sierra Hatley’s experience and knowledge can provide you with expert defense and could be the difference between keeping your freedom or losing it.



Federal Crimes: Fraud

What is a Fraudulent Offense?

A fraudulent offense is any intentional deception with the purpose of causing harm to another individual or entity for mere personal gain. Most fraud crimes are economic, and the penalties vary depending on the specific offense, the charges, the amount allegedly obtained through the fraud, the background of the defendant, and who the crime was committed against.


Some fraud crimes include but are not limited to:

White Collar Crimes

White collar crimes are typically committed by professionals or individuals with an educated background, such as managers and executives, or other individuals with high-profile positions, such as politicians. These are often committed for monetary gain and involve stealing money or creating fraudulent documents. Some common white collar crimes include bank fraud, forgery, theft, bribery, blackmail, embezzlement, insider trading, money laundering, tax evasion, and insurance fraud.

Bank Fraud

A bank fraud occurs when an individual uses fraudulent representation or falsification to obtain assets held by a bank or financial institution. Some of the forms associated with bank fraud include but are not limited to: bank impersonation, stolen or altered checks, uninsured deposits, fraudulent loan applications, fraudulent documents, wire transfer fraud, money laundering, and forging check signatures.

Mortgage Fraud

A mortgage fraud occurs when an individual omits or misrepresents information on a mortgage loan application. The motives for a mortgage fraud vary, but one of the most common consists of obtaining a larger loan than the one an individual would have obtained had they presented truthful documentation. In the federal courts, mortgage fraud may be prosecuted as a bank fraud, money laundering, or mail fraud.

Medicare/Medicaid Fraud

This fraud involves any allegedly false statement made to obtain medical assistance from the government. A Medicare/Medicaid fraud can range from filling out an application with false information, doctors allegedly providing services that are not needed, and healthcare providers providing false documentation. Individuals accused of this type of fraud need to take into consideration that malpractice insurance will never cover a criminal charge such as a Medicare/Medicaid fraud. The penalties for this type of fraud include not only harsh, lengthy prison sentences, but may also result in having a healthcare or medical license revoked.

Criminal Defense Attorney Sierra Hatley Defending Fraud Crimes

If you or someone you know is facing a charge for these or any other fraud crimes, contact Sierra Hatley today. She has defended people across the state of Texas. When charged with any federal crime, you need an excellent defense attorney such as Sierra Hatley on your side, working for you immediately.

Types of Federal Drug Charges

The prosecution of a federal offense in relation to drugs will vary with consideration as to whether the crime consisted of simple possession, possession with intent to distribute, sale, trafficking, manufacturing controlled substances, or cultivation. Law enforcement primarily prosecutes marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy. Federal drug crimes also include any action involving narcotic drugs or medications for which an individual lacks an appropriate prescription (if any at all). Examples of these drugs are Vicodin, Xanax, and Oxycodone.

Many factors are considered for the prosecution of federal drug crimes, including the action and type of drug, as well as the quantity of the drug involved, the criminal background of the defendant, and the involvement of minors. If you or someone you know is facing these serious charges, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side as soon as possible. Sierra Hatley’s experience and knowledge can help you.

Contact Hatley Law